I am Roger Brindley, the vice provost for global programs. I am new to Penn State, arriving last spring in the midst of the pandemic and change for all of our staff, faculty, and international students and scholars.
Vice Provost Brindley: Creativity, dedication and commitment continue to impress
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic when China was in need of personal protective equipment (PPE), members of the Chinese Student & Scholar Association gathered funds to send supplies. Then, when the United States met a scarcity of PPE, our Penn State alumni in China gathered PPE to send back to State College. Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons
Throughout my time here, I have been thoroughly impressed with the creativity, dedication, and commitment to service of the Penn State community. From the flexibility of our students to creative solutions by staff, such as the Penn State First program in Shanghai, the Penn State community has risen to the challenge of the pandemic.
For the staff of Global Programs, 2020 presented many challenges. When the pandemic hit, there were students studying abroad who needed to come home, as well as international students stuck here in the United States needing additional services and resources. I want to express my deepest thanks to the staff who worked tirelessly for these students.
Staff and faculty across the University worked together to create a plan for international students during the fall 2020 semester. Faculty have done an incredible job creating flexible learning plans for these students. I would also like to commend the staff of Education Abroad, who put together Penn State First, a residential experience for students in Shanghai and Seoul. It came together quickly, and by all accounts has been a tremendous success.
This year has disrupted the plans of our international students, both new and returning. To those students, I say — the day will come when you will join us on one of Penn State’s campuses. We cannot wait to welcome you. But please know that, even if you’ve never set foot on one of our campuses, you are a Penn Stater.
The tremendous acts of kindness, caring and philanthropy shown by the Penn State community this year have been nothing short of incredible. A simple example — when they heard news of the outbreak of COVID in Wuhan, Penn State’s Chinese student organizations sent PPE to some of the most hard-hit hospitals in the province. Then, when the virus hit the United States, alumni chapters in Shanghai and Beijing sent PPE back to the State College area.
This type of global interconnectedness not only shows the strength of the Penn State spirit; it also reinforces the fundamental truth that we live in a global community. I would like to personally thank those Penn Staters who live that truth day by day.
To you and yours, thank you, and have a happy holiday.
— Roger Brindley, vice provost for Global Programs