A look at the week's top news from across Penn State:
$30M BELLISARIO GIFT: Donald P. Bellisario, a 1961 Penn State alumnus and famed television producer, has given the University a $30 million gift. In recognition of Bellisario's generosity, the Penn State Board of Trustees have named the College of Communications in his honor — the "Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications."
COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS: Penn State has announced its slate of speakers for this spring's commencement exercises.
STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE: Penn State is moving to a new health insurance provider — United Healthcare Student Resources — as the Student Health Insurance Plan carrier for the 2017-18 academic year in order to continue to offer quality health care benefits at a competitive price.
AAU STATEMENT: At their spring meeting this week, the presidents and chancellors of the member universities of the Association of American Universities, including Penn State President Eric Barron, strongly endorsed a statement opposing cuts to federal research partnership funding.
STAND UP AWARDS: Three students have been honored with the Rock Ethics Institute's Stand Up Award.
FUSSY INFANTS: A mother who is happy in her partner relationship tends to report that her baby is less fussy. College of Medicine researchers suggest that either there is a connection between fussiness and the happiness of the couple, or that mothers who are happy in their relationships are less likely to report babies with colic.
LANDMINE AWARENESS: Students in the School of Visual Arts teamed up with faculty to create a digital game that will help raise awareness about landmine danger in Bosnia and Herzegovina.