This week's top stories from across Penn State:
NYC FLOODING: Rising sea levels caused by a warming climate threaten greater future storm damage to New York City, but the paths of stronger future storms may shift offshore, changing the coastal risk for the city, according to a team of climate scientists.
THRILL RISK: Penn State researchers have found that teens who are sensation seekers — people who seek out new and intense experiences — may be more likely to smoke cigarettes.
BELLISARIO DEDICATION: An official dedication event on Oct. 20 christened the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications.
IRMA HELP: Student Nicole Denham helped to provide medical support to hundreds of sheltered residents during Hurricane Irma as part of an interdisciplinary team that supplemented an existing emergency management response.
UNITED WAY: In a message to the Penn State and Centre County community, University President Eric Barron and College of Health and Human Development Dean Ann Crouter, chair of the 2017 Penn State United Way Campaign, urged faculty, staff and administrators to support Centre County through the Penn State United Way Campaign.
AUTISM GRANT: Penn State faculty members received a $1.25 million federal grant to address a shortage of speech-language pathologists and special educators with master's degrees who have the knowledge and experience in augmentative and alternative communication practices, in order to improve school-based services and results for children, teens and young adults with complex communication needs.