This week's top stories from across Penn State:
PRESIDENT'S BLOG: Penn State President Eric Barron discusses Stand for State Action Week and commends those pledging to not tolerate violence on our campuses.
BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT: A new microsite has been launched to help Penn State employees choose their benefits options for the upcoming 2017 calendar year.
WIRELESS UPDATE: Students, faculty and staff members at all Penn State locations are encouraged to update their wireless setup on each of their laptops, tablets, smartphones or other devices prior to Oct. 11.
FALL FOLIAGE: Drought conditions in parts of Pennsylvania, particularly in the north central region, are likely to dampen the fall foliage display, according to researchers in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
PARALYMPICS GOLD: Penn State graduate Shawn Morelli captured a pair of gold medals and first-year student Emily Frederick competed in the shot put at the 2016 Paralympics, which concluded Sept. 18 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
SUPERTRUCK: Five years of effort by a partnership of international corporations and universities organized by Volvo have led to the Volvo SuperTruck, a vehicle that achieved an 88 percent improvement in overall efficiency. Penn State engineers were part of this SuperTruck team, and focused on advanced combustion strategies and engine simulation.