Weekly Wrap: Run, Hide, Fight; Spotted lanternfly; Movin' In

A look back at the top stories for the week of Aug. 26

The annual Living in One Neighborhood, or LION, Bash brought new and returning students together with local residents on Aug. 29 in downtown State College. Credit: Patrick Mansell / Penn State. Creative Commons

A look back at the top stories from across Penn State: 

STOPPING THE SPOTTED LANTERNFLY: Penn State is asking visitors to campus, especially those coming from southeastern Pennsylvania, to take precautions before traveling to help reduce the spread of the spotted lanternfly.

RUN, HIDE, FIGHT: The University has adopted a new protocol for active-attacker response, which replaces the StaySAFE program.

BARRON ON ACCESSIBILITY: Penn State President Eric Barron was joined by leaders at two other universities in an article exploring affordability in higher education.

SIMS ON GREEK-LIFE CHANGES: This week, Penn State President Eric Barron invited Damon Sims, vice president for Student Affairs, to share his thoughts on the progress the University has made to refocus Greek-letter organizations on safety at Penn State and across the nation.

A CENTURY OF STATE: What was Penn State like 100 years ago? Penn State Today's editors have assembled a gallery of images of the campus from between 1910 to 1930.

MOVIN' IN: T-Pain and Go Go Gadget will headline a new fall semester concert put together by the organizers of the Movin' On musical festival. The new concert, Movin' In, will take place on Sept. 7.

Last Updated September 5, 2018