A look back at the top stories from across Penn State:
STOPPING THE SPOTTED LANTERNFLY: Penn State is asking visitors to campus, especially those coming from southeastern Pennsylvania, to take precautions before traveling to help reduce the spread of the spotted lanternfly.
RUN, HIDE, FIGHT: The University has adopted a new protocol for active-attacker response, which replaces the StaySAFE program.
BARRON ON ACCESSIBILITY: Penn State President Eric Barron was joined by leaders at two other universities in an article exploring affordability in higher education.
SIMS ON GREEK-LIFE CHANGES: This week, Penn State President Eric Barron invited Damon Sims, vice president for Student Affairs, to share his thoughts on the progress the University has made to refocus Greek-letter organizations on safety at Penn State and across the nation.
A CENTURY OF STATE: What was Penn State like 100 years ago? Penn State Today's editors have assembled a gallery of images of the campus from between 1910 to 1930.
MOVIN' IN: T-Pain and Go Go Gadget will headline a new fall semester concert put together by the organizers of the Movin' On musical festival. The new concert, Movin' In, will take place on Sept. 7.