University Park

Absence policy/Holy Day calendar reminder posted

Faculty and students are reminded of Penn State's policy regarding students' requests for absence from class for the purpose of observing a religious holiday. The University Faculty Senate Policy on Class Attendance (42-27) states that instructors should provide, within reason, opportunity to make up work for students who are obliged to miss classes for legitimate reasons.

As further clarification, Academic Administrative Policy on Religious Holidays (R-4) states that while the University makes every effort to avoid conflicts with religious holidays, when conflicts are unavoidable, the policy is to try and make special arrangements for the student affected. The Faculty Handbook states that "Faculty members are expected to entertain requests for exemptions from class attendance for purposes of religious observances."

The Center for Ethics and Religious Affairs suggests that instructors refer to an exhaustive listing of holy days of the major world religions for which observance may require a student to depart from his or her normal routine at the University. An all-inclusive list which provides both major and minor religious holidays is available at online. For information, contact the center at (814) 865-6548.

Last Updated March 19, 2009
