University Park

Faculty and Staff News of Record: Promotions Dec. 1, 2011


-- Jonathan L. Focht, janitorial worker at Penn State Altoona

-- Jeremy M. Lingle, area facilities maintenance mechanic in Office of Physical Plant

-- Darlington K. Makor, maintenance worker, general C at Penn State Harrisburg

-- Jose L. Rodriguez, bellhop/driver in Hospitality Services

-- Michael K. Sprankle, maintenance worker, utility in Office of Physical Plant



-- Dwight B. Barnes, engineering support specialist V in Applied Research Laboratory

-- Susan K. Benner, proposal and award generalist II in College of Engineering

-- Kristy M. Boob, administrative support assistant III in College of the Liberal Arts

-- Charles W. Bramwell, facilities supervisor II in Student Affairs

-- Amy Bressler, food services manager III in Housing and Food Services

-- Richard W. Brown, information research and services specialist V in Applied Research Laboratories

-- Joan Clancy-Flynn, administrative support assistant IV in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

-- Elizabeth J. Conroy, research technologist IV in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

-- Dana M. Coval-Dinant, administrative support assistant IV in Eberly College of Science

-- Grant E. Davis, marketing research specialist III in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

-- Jeffrey Edmunds, information research and services specialist V in University Libraries

-- Rebecca Falsone, research technologist II in Eberly College of Science

-- Rebecca L. Ferguson, annual giving specialist II in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Brian W. Foltz, engineering support specialist V in Applied Research Laboratory

-- William J. Fritz, enrollment services manager III in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

-- Charles F. Ginter, engineering support specialist IV in Applied Research Laboratory

 -- Thomas Goodall, engineering program manager V in Applied Research Laboratory

-- Gregory A. Granville, engineering support specialist IV in Applied Research Laboratory

-- Michael Gustine, programmer, analyst III in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Derek W. Helsby, research and development engineer II in Applied Research Laboratory

-- Marianne Klinger, research technologist IV in College of Medicine, Penn State Hershey Medical Center

-- Christopher Milito, information technology manager III in College of Information Science and Technology

-- Brian J. Mizikar, multimedia specialist IV in Division of Outreach and Cooperative Extension

-- Kelly S. Morgante, administrative support assistant III in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Janet T. Monaco, administrative support assistant III at Penn State DuBois

-- Diane Nowacinski, administrative support coordinator IV at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

-- Jeremy Peck, engineering support specialist II in Applied Research Laboratory

-- Devin M. Pennebaker, research and development engineer II in College of Engineering

-- Kathleen L. Rumbaugh, administrative support coordinator V in College of the Liberal Arts

-- Donna Sabol, information technology manager IV in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Michele D. Schirm, programmer, analyst III in Undergraduate Admissions

-- Kathleen Shondeck, annual giving specialist II in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Dan Sickles, network systems specialist IV in Division of Development and Alumni Relations

-- Bryan L. Sones, engineering support specialist V in Applied Research Laboratory

-- Rhonda J. Steg, administrative support coordinator IV at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

-- Jeremy Warner, public safety management II in College of Arts and Architecture

-- Sarah J. Williamson, administrative support assistant III in Student Affairs

-- Nigchun Xu, research technologist II in the Office of Senior Vice President for Research and Graduate School


Last Updated December 8, 2011
