University Park

Handbooks for Penn State faculty, staff are online

Information on policies, benefits, services and other related matters of the University can be found in the Faculty Handbook, Part-time Faculty Handbook and Staff Employee Handbook, all of which are online.

To access the Faculty Handbook, visit and select "About Penn State." Click on "University Administration" and then "Executive Vice President and Provost." The Faculty Handbook link is under "Publications." The direct link is

To access the Part-time Faculty Handbook, go to the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs home page at and select "Part-time Faculty Handbook."

To access the Staff Employee Handbook, go to the Office of Human Resources home page at and select "current employee information / resources." Links to the Faculty Handbook and the Part-time Faculty Handbook also are provided there.

The handbooks are intended for use as a general reference, and to provide the reader with referrals to official sources for definitive answers on University policies and policy guidelines. The handbooks are available in alternative format upon request.

Information to be considered for inclusion in the Faculty Handbook should be sent to Brenda Hameister at, and information regarding the Part-time Faculty Handbook should be sent to Katryn Boynton at Comments regarding the Staff Employee Handbook should be directed to Danielle Fritchman at

Last Updated March 25, 2010