University Park students who have an urgent medical problem while University Health Services is closed now have access to the UHS Telephone Advice Nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Experienced nurses will help students decide if they need immediate medical care, an appointment the next day or if self-care is best. According to UHS Director Margaret Spear, M.D., "This expanded service will help fill a student's need for advice when the health center is closed. Students who get sick in the middle of the night often don't know who to call or what to do. They don't know if they should call an ambulance or go to an emergency room, or if they can wait to seek care. Our advice nurses can help them figure out the best course of action. But students need to remember that this is not for routine health questions or to make appointments. It is for urgent problems." Students who have urgent medical problems when UHS is closed should call the Advice Nurse at 863-4463. Students with routine or minor health concerns should continue to call UHS during office hours.
University Park
Health Services Offers 24-hour Advice Nurse
Last Updated March 19, 2009