University Park

'Imposter Syndrome' to be addressed in workshop Sept. 20

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence will offer a free workshop, "Feeling Like a Fake: Overcoming the Impostor Phenomenon," from 10 to 11:15 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 20, in 7A Sparks Building, University Park.

"Impostor Phenomenon" also sometimes called "Impostor Syndrome") is the belief, despite evidence to the contrary, that one is inadequate, unworthy and does not belong in a particular role or position. One attributes one's success to luck — luck that will soon run out. "I am a fraud," that little voice inside says, "and it's only a matter of time before everyone else knows it. I don't belong here." This set of beliefs and the attendant self-criticism can have profound consequences for our well-being, our enjoyment of life, work and school, and our ability to perform at our true levels.

Impostor Phenomenon is quite common in academia, and both teachers and students suffer in secret. In this workshop we will talk more about what Imposter Syndrome is and how to recover a well-deserved sense of confidence, enjoyment and satisfaction in our teaching, learning and research. We will also explore ways to support those students in our classrooms with similar thoughts and feelings.

This workshop meets one of the requirements for the Instructional Foundations Series.

To register and view this and other workshops offered by the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence go to:


Last Updated September 14, 2017