The University Libraries will offer a new service beginning on June 24 that will give University Park faculty and staff the option of having library materials delivered to their office. Users who request materials through the “I Want It” service on the Libraries’ website will see a new pick up location option in the drop down menu — University Park Faculty/Staff Office Delivery. Selecting this option will enable users to have the materials delivered directly to their campus departmental address. This option also will be available for E-ZBorrow and Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) material.
Materials should be delivered to offices within three to four business days. Delays may occur if item is checked out or coming from a branch or campus library. Some fragile, over-sized material, or material restricted to in-library-use may still require library pick up. Faculty and staff have the option of returning library materials in person to any library location or by campus mail to Lending Services, W107 Pattee Library.
For more information on the delivery service, go to, Questions can be directed to the Interlibrary Loan Office by email at or by phone 814-863-5634.