Does your Penn State student organization have an event coming up that you’d like help publicizing on Penn State News ( and Student Headlines (formerly called the “Student Newswire”) — a weekly email to Penn State University Park students?
If so, submitting a student organization event story is easy. Just write the story by following the guidelines below and submit to Penn State News.
Student Organization Event Story Submission Guidelines:
1. Student organization event announcements must be written in short, journalistic story form, and should be sent as text in the body of an email (no attachments) to
2. Stories must contain the following information:
— Who: Your organization's name, website (if you have one) and social media sites (if you have them)
— What: Describe the event
— When and Where: Date, time and location of the event (in that order)
— Why (If there is a why): Is the event’s purpose to benefit a charity, to promote campus-wide awareness/understanding, to encourage student discourse, to teach a skill?
— Who and How: Who is invited to attend, and how can they attend? Are there tickets required or a date to RSVP?
3. Stories can contain additional information, including:
— An organization contact for more information (can be a contact person or a website, email address or social media site)
— A quote by one of the organization’s leaders
— A photo. View Penn State News photo guidelines here.
4. Stories should be submitted to Penn State News ( at least two weeks prior to the date of the event in order to give fellow students advance notice about the event.
5. Examples:
— Students invited to Nov. 10 forum with President Barron
— Penn State Thespians to present ‘Catch Me If You Can’
— Penn State Lion Ambassador to hold Lantern Tours Oct. 31
Note: Once stories are received, they will be reviewed and edited, according to Penn State style. Stories are first published to Penn State News. Student Headlines then links back to the Penn State News stories. Due to the amount of submissions, not all stories can be included on Student Headlines, so it is not guaranteed that your story will be chosen.
Student event submission stories that aren’t published on Penn State News include:
— “This happened” stories: We are looking for events that are going to happen, not recaps of events that have already happened.
— Upcoming meeting announcements.
— Job advertisements. These are posted at
— Events for groups that aren’t official Penn State Student Organizations.
— Information of a commercial nature.
— Solicitations.
— Information about events whose registration deadlines have passed, or that are not open to the general University community.
— Book or poetry readings and book signings by faculty, staff, students or administrators will not be covered, regardless of the location of the event.
— In most cases, recurring announcements only will be published once per semester.
— Development stories (i.e. official Kickstarter campaigns, etc.) Note: At the editors' discretion, Penn State News will publish stories about officially endorsed fundraising efforts that directly benefit a University scholarship or endowment. All such stories must be vetted by Development and Alumni Relations communications.
For more, visit the Penn State News: Story, photo and video guidelines