
Registration is under way for OLLI winter/spring courses

New courses about modern art, the Civil War, architecture and the Chesapeake Bay are just some of the topics on schedule for the winter/spring session of Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Penn State York, a nonprofit organization offering learning opportunities for York County residents over age 50. Enrollment is in progress and most classes are offered at Penn State York, 1031 Edgecomb Ave., York. The registration deadline is Feb. 22 with classes beginning in March and throughout the spring.

OLLI courses are taught by active and retired volunteers including  educators and other experts in their field. There are no grades or tests, and a college degree is not required to enroll in any of the noncredit courses or seminars. OLLI’s courses allow members to discuss and share varied interests like books, history, music, arts, finances and local interests. These sessions provide an opportunity to meet people, pursue friendships and discuss their interests.
Membership fees are $50 per year and are required to take courses. Course fees are $30 or less per session based on the number of classes required. For registration information and to download a catalog, visit http://olli.yk.psu.edu/. Call 717-771-4015 for questions or to request a catalog in the mail.

OLLI at Penn State York is a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization established to enrich the lives of mature adults living in York County by providing a variety of educational and social activities that accentuate the joy of learning and personal fulfillment. OLLI at Penn State York is one of more than 100 lifelong learning institutes across the nation supported by a grant from the Bernard Osher Foundation.

Last Updated January 24, 2013
