YORK, Pa. -- Registration is underway for Penn State York's 32nd annual youth soccer camp set for July 28-Aug. 1 at the campus. The camp is designed for both female and male soccer players of all ability levels, ages 8 through 13. Players are grouped according to age and ability level during the first camp session. Camp hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.
Under the direction of Rich Chilcoat, Penn State York soccer coach and three-time Coach of the Year winner in the Penn State University Athletic Conference (PSUAC), players will participate in a total athletic experience including stretching and conditioning, drills, position analysis, rules of the game and team play.
In addition to Chilcoat, the camp staff includes other area soccer coaches and players who bring years of experience to the field. Lectures, demonstrations, films, and instructional videotapes augment physical activity. Drills, games and other activities take place on the soccer fields at Penn State York. Players should arrive at camp each day dressed to play soccer and should bring indoor footwear in case of rain.
The fee for the five-day camp is $195 and includes instruction and coaching, camp ball, a soccer T-shirt and lunch each day. Registration for each additional family member is $175.
For information or a brochure, call Penn State York at (717) 505-8949, email Chris Beaverson, athletic director at Penn State York, at cab187@psu.edu; or download the brochure online at http://www2.yk.psu.edu/currentstudents/studentservices/athletics/forms/soccer-brochure-2014.pdf. Enrollment is limited to the first 115 registrants.