South Korea
If you are a first year student applying to Penn State:
You are not required to complete the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) as part of your Penn State application. You must, however, submit official secondary school records at the time of application in order to be evaluated for admission to Penn State. The following requirements apply:
All documents submitted for review must be official, that is, they must be either originals or copies certified by the examining board, an official at the institution, the Ministry of Education, or consulate. A "certified" copy is one that bears an original signature of the registrar or other designated school official, an original impression of the institution's seal, or signature/seal of the examining board. Uncertified or notarized copies are not considered official documents.
All documents should be submitted in the original language. All documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a certified line-by-line, literal English translation.
Should the school, examining board, Ministry of Education, or consulate mail the official document to you, the applicant, rather than Penn State, please forward the unopened envelope to Penn State. Official copies that are not sent directly to Penn State and are opened by the applicant can no longer be considered official.
Records can be faxed to 814-863-7590, or mailed to:
Penn State Undergraduate Admissions
201 Shields Building
664 Curtain Road
University Park, PA 16802-1294
Please note: All documents submitted as part of the application will be confidentially discarded after our review. If original documents are submitted that must be returned to you, a written request is required at the time the documents are submitted and in the same package/envelope.
If you are a transfer student applying to Penn State:
All international transfer students will be required to submit official high school transcripts in order to complete the application. International transfer students will not complete the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) for either their high school or college coursework.
If you have accepted your offer of admission to Penn State:
If you completed SRAR and are accepted to Penn State, please provide the following for grade verification:
Official copy of“Inmungye Kodung Hakkyo” from senior years 1, 2, and 3. We will accept a dual-language transcript; but we strongly recommend that students also send a copy of their transcript in the Korean language only, if available, in addition to a dual-language or English-only transcript.
Official copy of high school diploma (must be accompanied by an English translation).