
Around the College: Feb. 14, 2018

Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

Kevin Kinser, professor of education (higher education), was quoted in "HE accreditation sector faces pressure to reform," which was published by University World News.

— Beverly Lindsay, professor emerita of education, was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to Myeik University in Myanmar. Her portfolio entails her working directly with the rector (president) and pro-rector (provost) on university quality assurance in view of ASEAN (Association of SouthEast Asian Nations) criteria; teaching research methods to include ethics and institutional and national ministry review; and undertaking research on geopolitical issues and universities.

— Ashley McCoy, a doctoral candidate studying special education, was awarded a Student Dissertation Research Initiation Grant by the College of Education. Her dissertation research will examine the impact of online instruction on teaching performance of graduate students in a World Campus class.

David Passmore, distinguished professor of education (workforce education and development), has been awarded the 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award by the University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education. This award recognizes an individual for their sustained and high impact contributions to research, practice, and policy in workforce and human resource education.

— Nate Turcotte, a doctoral student in the Learning, Design and Technology program, is the recipient of the 2018 Paul W. Welliver Outstanding Graduate Student Award, presented by the Pennsylvania Association for Educational Communications and Technology. The award, named after Professor Emeritus Paul W. Welliver — one of the pioneers in the field of instructional design at Penn State, was presented to Turcotte at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) on Feb. 12 in Hershey.

"Around the College" highlights accomplishments by faculty, staff and students in the College of Education, including publications; research presentations at conferences and workshops; and awards, grants and fellowships. Please share your news with us and your colleagues by emailing

Last Updated February 14, 2018