Liberal Arts

Sending a 'We Are!' and thank you to these Penn Staters

Credit: Bryan Benner. All Rights Reserved.

This week, we recognize three Penn Staters who go above and beyond what's asked of them in their work at the University.

Do you know someone who deserves a shout-out? If you do, consider taking a minute to nominate that person by filling out a short online form.

This week, it's thank you to:

Kristin Bushong, with the the College of the Liberal Arts, whose nominator wrote: "Kristin is a vital part of our online education unit. She goes above the call of duty, providing excellent customer service to students and faculty, sometimes assisting those in need after work hours and over the weekends. Kristin's positive attitude in helping others is infectious."

Leo Takahashi, at Penn State Beaver, whose nominator wrote: "Leo not only is a phenomenal teacher, but also is a great cheerleader for his students. I saw him giving two female students a pep-talk to boost their confidence about their mathematics abilities. Women in Science need mentors like Leo!"

Sue Cromwell, in Human Resources, whose nominator wrote: "Sue meets every day, task and challenge with such enthusiasm — her energy is unlike anyone's I've ever met and is both inspiring and contagious!"

Last Updated October 24, 2016