
Abington intern: Thinking like a true detective

Abington Township Police Officer Dan Fisicaro with K-9 Mathews and Brian Moore, a intern from Penn State Abington. Credit: Dan Z. Johnson Photography. All Rights Reserved.

Brian Moore started his summer internship with the local police expecting to explore the intricacies of policing and network with officers. But he experienced a shift in his state of mind, reinforcing the Penn State Abington senior's commitment to law enforcement.

"The internship made me look at policing in a different, more realistic way," he said of the 12-week program. "It made me think more like a police officer."

The Abington Township Police Department rotates interns through multiple units exposing them to a range of local police work. According to Moore, riding along with a particular patrol officer inspire him to consider his own upcoming leap from student to a career in criminal justice.

"I rode on patrol with a newer officer who used to be an architect," he said. "We talked about his transition to policing. I got the perspective of someone going through what I will experience."

Moore completed a stint in community policing working with its commander Lt. Kelley Warner, an adjunct instructor at Penn State Abington. While assigned to  the unit, Moore led the interns and worked with Chief William J. Kelly on a survey to gather data for a proposed emergency notification service. The police and Moore also called on the staff at Penn State Abington for technical expertise and advice on language and design.

Moore first connected with the township police through Lisa Morris, senior instructor of criminal justice who encouraged students to enroll in the department's nine-week Citizens Police Academy. He signed up and explored SWAT, accident investigation, use of force, and crime scene processing among other police functions. He later learned about the internship program.

Moore, who applied to the Pennsylvania state police, said his college experience managing academics, a job, and volunteering prepared him for such a high-pressure career. He traveled to England in March as part of a comparative criminal justice course with Morris and other students. He also volunteers as a peer assistant and Lion Ambassador and works at a supermarket and the Abington admissions office.

Learn more about the criminal justice program at Abington.


Last Updated August 19, 2015
