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Rock Ethics Institute launches 'Rock the News' podcast

"Rock the News" podcast from Penn State's Rock Ethics Institute.  Credit: Rebecca Bennitt. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Examining current issues and breaking news from an ethical perspective will be the focus of “Rock the News,” a new monthly podcast by the Rock Ethics Institute.

“Rock the News,” will feature faculty and special guests from various backgrounds as they discuss pressing ethical concerns addressed in current media headlines.  

Undergraduate students, graduate students, staff and community members, also will be invited to share their questions and thoughts via social media.

Ethics tackle some of the fundamental questions of human life and help shape our decision-making process. “Rock the News” will explore those questions through the lens of current events such as the role ethics plays in our right to protest; ethics and artificial intelligence; immigration and citizenship; food production and ethics, and more. The first episode will break down the basics of understanding how ethics applies to our everyday life.

“‘Rock the News’ gives our collaborative team of interdisciplinary faculty a unique opportunity to apply an ethical perspective to complex issues as we examine the latest headlines,” said Ben Jones, assistant director of the Rock Ethics Institute.

Each episode will be posted on iTunes on the third Wednesday of every month. An early premiere of the first episode, “What is Ethics?” can be heard on iTunes now as well as online at and  

About the Rock Ethics Institute

The Rock Ethics Institute was established through a $5 million gift in 2001 from Doug and Julie Rock to the College of the Liberal Arts. The institute’s mission is to promote ethical awareness and inquiry across the University, and in the public and professional sectors, through a three-fold emphasis on teaching, research and outreach. Recently, the Rocks endowed the Nancy Tuana Directorship of the Rock Ethics Institute with an additional $5 million gift, which was part of a commitment they made to the college during "For the Future: The Campaign for Penn State Students."

Last Updated February 21, 2018
