Office of Undergraduate Education

Four named General Education Faculty Scholars

Faculty Scholars work to improve General Education throughout the University

The Old Main Bell on Penn State University Park campus. Credit: Penn State / Haley Kerstetter. All Rights Reserved.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — The Penn State Office for General Education announced four faculty who will serve as leaders to help to elevate General Education across the University.  

The four new members will serve three-year terms as part of a team of 16 General Education Faculty Scholars.  

The new Faculty Scholars are: 

  • Kira Hamman, assistant teaching professor of mathematics, Penn State Mont Alto 

  • Molly Martin, associate professor of sociology and demography, College of the Liberal Arts, (starting term in January 2023) 

  • Grace Lee-Amuzie, assistant teaching professor of applied linguistics and coordinator of academic integration courses, Penn State Abington 

  • Michele Ramsey, associate professor of communication arts and sciences and women’s, gender and sexuality studies; Penn State Berks

“The General Education Scholars have been integral in several important projects supporting General Education teaching and learning,” said Maggie Slattery, director and assistant dean for General Education. “The scholars helped in the development of the recently launched OL 1400 course, contribute to the rubrics used for General Education assessment, and are preparing to launch a website for teaching engagement.” 

Previous and current projects undertaken by Faculty Scholars include the creation of professional development opportunities for teaching General Education, supporting General Education assessment efforts in collaboration with the Office for Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research, creating community around civic engagement teaching across the University, and supporting experiential learning projects for the University. 

Hamman, who was recently selected as a Faculty Scholar, said she will be focusing on the GQ (quantification) curriculum during her term. She explained that General Education often begins and ends with MATH 21, 22 and 26 at many Penn State campuses. These courses frustrate many students, she said, and leave them without strong qualitative skills. 

“I would like to work with my colleagues in math across the University to decrease the number of students taking 21, 22 and 26 as General Education courses,” except for those who must take those courses as part of the calculus sequence, she added. 

Instead, Hamman wants to see more students take the “thirties” courses such as Mathematics for Sustainability and Mathematics of Money. Her project will focus on providing logistical and pedagogical support to faculty who would like to offer these courses. 

The Office for General Education is part of Penn State Undergraduate Education

Last Updated August 23, 2022